Public Outreach and Education

Rescue, Transport, and Rehabilitation Training

TREE regularly offers Rescue, Transport, and Rehabilitation Training sessions as part of its regular educational efforts. Additionally, personalized training sessions can be arranged upon request for your organization or as an individual.

Species Specific Care

TREE can provide training to individuals, veterinary, animal control, or rehabilitation organizations on the treatment and care of unique species, leaning on our decades of experience and best practices throughout the wildlife rehabilitation community.

Fundraising Events

TREE actively seeks opportunities for fundraising to sustain its vital wildlife conservation efforts. Follow us on social media to stay current with the events you can find and support TREE at.

Club, School Events, Conferences

TREE offers its expertise by being available to speak on both general and specific migratory bird and rehabilitation topics, providing valuable insights to local clubs, schools, organizations, and wildlife conferences.

You can reach us using the
information on our Contact Us page.