
We take great pride in being 100% donation-supported, relying solely on the generosity of individuals like you who share our passion for preserving and protecting the natural world. Without federal, state, or local government assistance, your support is the lifeline that sustains our operations which average $80-$120 per day depending on the time of year.

Every donation, regardless of size, directly contributes to the care and rehabilitation of injured, sick, or orphaned birds, as well as our educational outreach efforts. By considering a tax-deductible donation to TREE, you become an integral part of our mission, helping us continue our crucial work in wildlife conservation, rehabilitation, and environmental education.

Your support truly makes a difference, thank you.

Donation Button for PayPal

You can select PayPal, credit card, or debit card for a one-time or recurring donation that goes directly into supporting our patients. TREE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and your donation is tax deductible.

You may also consider donating in the amounts listed below, which are the equivalent of TREE providing different services for our patients averaged across a full year.

Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed an owl, falcon, or hawk for about a day.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to provide care for 10 hatchling orphans for about a day for the 2024 baby season.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed a pelican, heron, or cormorant for about a day.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed an owl, falcon, or hawk for about a week.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to provide care for 10 hatchling orphans for about a week for the 2024 baby season.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed a pelican, heron, or cormorant for about a week.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed all of our raptor patients for about a week


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to feed all of our fish-eating patients for about a week.


Your donation is equivalent to the average cost for us to provide care for 10 hatchling orphans for the entire 2024 baby season.


Donor Privacy Policy

At TREE, we are deeply committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our supporters. We want you to feel confident that your personal information is handled with the utmost care. Therefore, we adhere to a strict donor privacy policy that ensures the responsible use of your information in accordance with local, federal and international law. 

Information Collection: TREE collects and securely stores information provided by donors, including names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and other relevant contact details. This information is voluntarily shared by donors during the process of making a donation or engaging with TREE.

No Sharing Policy: TREE never sells, rents, trades, or otherwise shares any donor’s personal information with any other organization, whether online or offline. Your information is strictly used for internal purposes to process donations, communicate with you about our activities, and provide you with updates about our mission.

Online and Offline Donors: This privacy policy applies to all donors, regardless of whether the donation is made online or offline. TREE ensures that the same level of privacy and security measures are applied consistently.

No Third-Party Mailings: TREE does not send out mailings on behalf of other organizations. We respect the trust you place in us, and your information is used exclusively for communication and engagement directly related to TREE’s activities.

TREE uses a variety of third party applications and services (Such as PayPal) that may have their own privacy policies and you are encouraged to examine them.

By supporting TREE, you are making a meaningful impact on wildlife conservation in the Tidewater region, and we want you to have full confidence in the security and privacy of your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our donor privacy policy, please feel free to reach out to us at